Monday, May 30, 2011

It's been a while

Hi Blog. It's been a while. But I feel like my life is at a cross roads once again and creeping in is the need to document. Reading through my old posts was so NICE! to read about and relive some of those experiences as a bride to be, a newly wed, moving away from the parents, making new friends! I'm sad I stopped writing in here!

Quick update about my life now a days: I guess it's been 2 years since i wrote in Dec 2009 I accepted a position as a full time Physical Therapist at an outpatient orthopedic, sports facility. I've been there for almost two years which has been WONDERFUL! I love it! So that keeps me pretty busy...Mikey has returned to school and has finished his 1st two years...which is a whole other post- will fill you in soon. My weeks are as follows:

Sunday: relax, beach or go see the fam in MIAMI (BY the way my sister has THREE kids now NOAH, ABBY and the newest addition LUKE was just born April26TH.

Monday: Work, GYM, Mikey has band practice so I hang out at home and catch up on my shows (Modern family or gossip girl- I know I know)

Tuesday: Work, GYM, then Bible study

Wed: work, GYM, hang out with Mikey, maybe movie night.

Thursday: Work, Girls night with the best friends a girl could ask for.

Friday: Work, maybe gym, get ready for the SABBATH.

Saturday: Church (I'm teaching the kindergardeners sabbath school btw so up nice and early), go out at night.

SO there you have it. In a nut shell. Too many things happen in 2 years so I will slowly bring you up to date.

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