Monday, December 29, 2008

27 days to go

Less than a months to go. Things are falling into place. I'm starting to get excited!! i've just been so anxious and stressed, but now i see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't believe i'm getting married!!! i'm gonna miss having my mommy available 24hrs a day, only a room away. but yet i'm sooo happy to be starting my new life with mikey and making our own little family! this weekend is my bridal shower... I'm so excited. i handed out invites saturday at church but there was so many people missing! i dunno how i'm gonna get the invites to them. It's gonna be a british style tea party. I can't wait.

My wedding invitations should be ready this week. next week i'll finalize the menu. Sometime this week i gotta go pick out my cake.

it's so much to do!!! but so fun! i do miss my friends though :( i feel like i havent seen them or hung out with them in ages. I've been a hermite- satying home on staurday nights wroking on wedding stuff.

Here are some pics of what i've been working on and a sneak preview at the shower favors. and my invites. aren't they cute??

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I am SO tired!

Today was a productive day to say the least.

Mikey took the day of so we did all of those little things i could only do with him.

So...we woke up early, went to the jewelry store where he bought my ring (i dropped it on the floor and a little side stone fell out) and got it fixed and picked out our wedding bands. (we're awaiting and email estimate- i hope it's not scary).

Then we went to the court house and obtained a marriage license!! that was exciting!

Then we went to 4 different invitation stores (across town), half of which were closed for the holidays and one of which said they could have our invitations AFTER the wedding. Yeah. thanks, but no thanks. So we found one place on miracle mile: Affairs by Caudia that was wonderful! Claudia saved our lives!! she was so pleasant and helpful! i thoroughly recommend this place! So we ordered them and should have them in a timely manner.

Then we went to the tux place and mikey picked out the groomsmen's tuxes- then he kicked me out of the store and picked his. He said it's only fair if he can't see mine, that I can't see his- good point.

Then we came home- rested a bit- then we went to the mall. Yeah i know- we're crazy! who said vegan's have no energy????

SO Tomorrow is christmas eve and I just want to wish everyone a very merry christmas. May God bless you and protect you and may we all, amongst all the glitz and glitter, remember the reason for the season!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Today is our 4th anniversary!!! 4years!!these 4 years have been amazing! I can't wait to marry you and celebrate many more years by ur side! love you!

today worked so i didn't do much. i did go to micheals (i live in michaels lately) it really is a great store. but anyways. My shower invitation arrived today. they're pretty. however....

Big problem!!! i don't have wedding invitations and i called some places today and people (who prints these) actually go on vacation. how dare they! from christmas to new years! who does that??!!!! ok i do since i'm a student but still. how in the world am i gonna find a place (and an invitation i like) that can have them to me by early january???!! PANIC.

Tomorrow mikey took the day off so we can look at tuxes, get a marriage license, look at wedding bands, order invitations (please, please let us find invitations) and sign a contract with the caterer. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH (i'll let u know how much of that we actually get done).

Friday, December 19, 2008


Today my grandma told me I was living off of miracles. She said that because we were talking about the story of how mikey asked me to marry him and the ring almost fell in the sand at night... (you can read the full story here). But the truth is, i've been surrounded by miracles. small ones, big ones...God has been showing himself in my life in such a powerful way.

Lately i had been worried about the venue i wanted for the wedding. Today God answer my prayers and I am so happy and so thankful. I think it'll all work out.

Yesterday we went to look at veils and I found a perfect one, my grandma insists she can replicate it and i have no doubts. While we were looking for veils my mom found a beautiful dress- there was only one and it just happened to fit her perfectly. so withing 15 minutes we found a veil and my mom bought her dress.

Things are falling in place.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Guest List Woes

This guest list is one of the most difficult things i've ever had to do. Ok, maybe not. but it is really hard!! so since we have no money and our budget is smaaaaall. hehe we've decided to really keep it to our closest friends and family. I think we have a good list now. finishing this list is a feat let me tell u. i'm very happy about this.

So today i'm going after my veil. My dress is almost done (my grandma is fixing it for me).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Getting it done

So today i ordered my bridal shower invites (nothing fancy) and i found some supplies for the shower. not bad. Hope to order my wedding invitations soon.

Here are some pics of Fe's wedding. one with the bride and one in the Elevator! so fun!

Monday, December 15, 2008

weekend Round Up

so this weekend was amazing. i spend fe's last night as a single girl with her at the hotel where the wedding was. she surprised me. she was so calm and cool. the wedding was just AMAZING everything was absolutely perfect. i got a call from her today saying she was getting on her cruise. i'm so happy for her. she deserves it. i wish her and Leo all the happiness in the world!

i went back to work today (after 2 weeks) and i was dreading it. But the kids are so great!! they were so excited to see me! how could i not be happy to be back to work! they are so cute.

oh yeah and i went to that meeting with the hotel i want for my wedding. The meeting was great. the lady was so helpful and nice! everything is not set yet 100% but i'm hoping (and praying) that we have it there. Otherwise i'll still be happy because i'm marrying my best friend. I love him.

so now pretty much i'm in wedding mode. But i feel so weird lately. so emotional, so sensitive. I feel like, i guess it's finally hitting me that i'm getting married in less than 2 months and there is just so much to do. i don't think i can get it all done. It kinda makes me want to just go to vegas. quick, classy and cheap. ok maybe not classy.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I had a dream about this dress last night. it was really weird. Like it was really difficult to put on but some how I kept trying like i needed to put it on for some reason.

I've been having lots of strange dreams. So has my mom. We mostly dream of horrific disasters about the wedding. Dreams about my dress being a ridiculous polkadot dress (although i've seen exquisite polka dot dresses), noone showing up to the wedding, being really late like my sister (4hours, yup! not a type-o, FOUR). i hear these nightmares are normal, but they are not fun.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I am so happy!!!! this morning I took my last final. Yesterday I presented my doctorate research at the capstone seminar and it was a big hit! everyone loved it and I even got an award for it! it's nice to be validated. SO i can FINALLY relax and enjoy the holidays!!! well, kinda.....

I want to try to get as much done as i can for the wedding during the break. So it might be a busy one.

Only half a semester of classes left, and 2 back to back internships and i'm done!!!!! DONE! well, there's the boards... but still! i'm stoked. Tonight is fe's rehearsal and we get to see (or get an idea) of whether or not Noah will do his job well as the bible boy.... I'm excited. I'm starting to feel all christmassy....i know, i'm a fool.

This is a weird post- all over the place...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I am determined to make my own cake for my bridal shower. I keep watching these cake divas show on We (or style or whatever) and i'm convinced i can do it. You will remember my first attempt here. I think i can do better, given i have the proper tools.... That's it, I'm doing it.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekend Round Up

This weekend was so much fun. We had Fe's bridal shower which was AWESOME. we took her to the cheesecake factory, where we had a nice dinner. then we ambushed her in the bathroom and made her wear lingerie over her clothes, a pink feather boa and a beautiful toilet paper veil. She was beautiful! hehe then we made her prance around asking for money. We even got her up on a stage! hehe

Then sunday was camyla and renan's wedding which was beautiful!!! i loved it. cried my eyes out as usual.

So now i'm studying for this big final tomorrow. after that, it'll be a big weight lifted. Also this weeK:
-Big Capstone seminar where i will present my doctorate research on wednesday! eeek
-Another final on thursday.
-Fe's rehearsal also thursday.
-Meet with the lady from the hotel i'm looking at for my wedding on Friday.
-Get ready for Fe's wedding on Sunday!! YAY!

Here r some pics from the bachelorette party!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bridal Shower

I am overflowing with ideas today...not gonna give it all away but here are some hints:

-draped fabric...

I'm getting excited!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Leap of Faith

I've taken a leap of faith and scheduled an appointment with the lady from the hotel i want to get married at. It will take place in 2 weeks. Hopefully by then i will know whether or not i will be able to afford this place. and hopefully she will give me a good deal given the current economic status. we'll see... I'm praying about it.

In other maid of honor news- we will be having Fe's bachelorette outing this weekend and i am super excited!!!

In my own wedding news- i've been thinking alot about my bridal shower... I've finally been getting some ideas...will post about them soon!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I just took a quiz, which i thought was supposed to be due on thursday and luckily was informed it was due today. Not so luckily the stupid thing timed out on me and i didn't finish it (2 questions).


even i'm tired of being a slacker and being clueless and not knowing what's due and when. I also missed class today cause i usually have it thursday and the teacher changed it. nice.

So i'm very frustrated.

Maybe it's a bad case of senioritis or something but i am not happy about this. It's weird cause i kinda consider myself kindoff a perfectionist. Slacker...perfectionist...don't go together right??? Maybe i'm just a perfectionist about stuff i give a crap about. (by the way, Noah now says "Oh crap" perfectly- nice huh).

one week and a day left. just one week and a day left....

BTW not so lame- the shoot was awesome- something to look forward to....

Monday, December 1, 2008

New Week

One week and a half left of school!!! I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to christmas break!!! Anyways, today i finished this case study i had to do and am now starting the website i have to do...

Tomorrow, Mikey and I are doing a follow up shoot with Deise(which has a new website by the way). I cannot wait.

I am so excited for so many reasons:
-The shoot
-My lovely bridesmaid (who just happen to be gorgeous-ALL of them-what r the chances???) have started to purchase their dresses and i LOVE them.
-This weekend is camila and renan's wedding. I love weddings!!! (I'm rooting for u guys)
-This weekend we are celebrating Noah's Birthday (in a very intimate family affair)
-I found out my grandma is arriving the 15th!! yay!!! (the first of my out of town guests- kinda scary-like, we really have to do it now)

So yeah- also..i don't want to get excited about this yet but...we may be able to get this really cute (tiny) would be a huge blessing! so i'm praying about that. God knows best.

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