Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Down in the Dumps

Sorry for the long hiatus. I just haven't felt like doing anything lately. I've been a little (maybe not a little) sad lately. Just missing everyone and I didn't want to depress anyone with my rants. I wish I was stronger and the kind of person who moves from town to town and does incredibly courageous things. But i'm not and it's been hard.

Today I had 3 interviews for a job. All at tiny little PT clinics which made me miss my old job. It was wonderful there, big and spacious with beautiful views and all the latest equipment. These places were like little caves of darkness and doom. lol Mikey took me to rodeo Dr and asked me what I thought and I just shrugged my shoulders!!! Something is definitely wrong with me!!! But on the up side, I haven't cried today! Yet.

Los Angeles is a funny city with cold beaches and foggy weather. But this time is bringing me closer to my maker, and closer to my husband. We have so much to be thankful for. Hopefully in the coming weeks i'll lighten up a little but for now i'm trying to keep my head above water.


Diana Reis Germanowicz said...

Beca nao fica assim. Sei que estamos longe, mas estamos torcendo por voces!!!! Como foram as entrevistas? Vcs ja encontraram um apartamento? Esta gostando da cidade? Eu sei o que vc esta sentindo. Quando vc ficar bem triste! Liga pra gente, que a gente chora junto! Rsrs... As fotos de vcs estao lindas! Que viagem gostosa, que lugares incriveis que vcs passaram!!! Vc vai ter uma experiencia excelente ai!!!! Bjaoo!!!

Babbi's World said...

Thanks Di. Now I know how you guys must have felt when you moved. It's very hard. But it's getting better. It's a beautiful city but I miss you guys So much!

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