Wednesday, September 21, 2011

No Bueno

Ok I just wanted to document this so I can look back and remember this. 

Monday I started that second part time. It was my first day- and it was my last. I got fiiirreed! haha just kidding. These people were totally sketchy doing some unethical, illegal stuff and asking me to do the same. Of course I refused and later wrote them an email telling them I will not be returning. So I am again looking for a second part time. So that's that.

Also, our car has an oil leak or something and we have to take it in tomorrow. Also we broke our garbage disposal on our first day in our new apartment. Also Mikey broke the lock on the door with his brute strength today. Also we have no money and my last pay check from my FL job bounced and they still haven't reimbursed me. Also I am still lost in this city and one wrong turn (which occurs often) is costly in the city with the worst traffic in the country. Alsoooooooo....ok I think that's it.


I know it could be worse, I am happy. I really don't mean to be a bummer- better days ahead. Just keep swimming right?! XOXO night everyone- gotta a day off tomorrow!! woot! woot! 


Diana Reis Germanowicz said...

Ah Beca! Nao fica assim! Eu sei que nao eh facil! Perdi uma casa essa semana e estou bem triste. Mas estou confiante em Deus que tudo vai dar certo! Mas qta coisa num dia soh! afff...... rsrs... estou morrendo de saudade de vcs! Hoje aprendi a fazer um pastelao de massa folhada que nao vai nada de leite e ovo. Pode ser chamada de veggan! rsrs .... E o recheio vc poe o que quiser... nao tirei do forno ainda, entao nao sei se ficou bom! kkkk.... bjao!

Simply Camylla said...

I know what you mean Becca, sometimes you feel like the whole world is out to get you. But things will soon get better. An just remember you have friends who miss you very much!!

Babbi's World said...

Di eu quero a receita!!!!

delfinita said...

wooohoooouu... that's rough, but like you said it's good stuff to document so that later you can see how far you've come. I love your attitude through this Beca, I would be a lot worse I think :-P hehe. Missin you guys like crazy and you are in our conversations, like, daily.

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